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The excitement of putting our offer out into the world can often be met with crippling disappointment when we don’t get the sales we expect. However, a lot of business owners then make the mistake of rushing to reach more eyes, while sidelining those who didn’t immediately click “buy now.”
But just because someone is not in your purchaser community, doesn’t mean they are any less valuable. In this episode, Nicki and Kate explain why you should never give up on the people who didn’t purchase. Listen in to discover the reasons why someone might not have made a purchase initially and the practical steps that will ensure they *do* buy your offer in the future.
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A Sneak Peek at the Episode
[2:27] It’s disappointing when we don’t see the sales numbers we expect after launching an offer. But we shouldn’t give up on people who didn’t purchase. Nicki and Kate are exploring the reasons why someone might not have purchased and how to ensure they do next time.
[3:54] One of the main reasons people don’t buy right away is because the business owner has not dialed in their messaging enough to make the value clear to their target audience.
[7:00] Your audience may not be taking action because there’s not enough urgency in your offer. Human beings need deadlines in order to take action.
[8:14] You have to stick by your integrity, especially when it comes to deadlines and price. Fake deadlines will erode trust in the same way as telling people something is the lowest price you’ll ever see, and then discounting it a week later.
[10:50] Another reason why people might not buy is that you are targeting the wrong buyers. Whether it’s through ads or organic messaging, your messaging could be attracting the wrong people.
[12:29] Sometimes it can genuinely not be the right time for someone to purchase, but that doesn’t mean that we give up on them forever, especially as you have likely paid to acquire them in some way, whether in time or money.
[16:31] Fundamentally, after someone makes the choice not to purchase from you is where you begin the process of educating them and supporting them to make the purchase the next time they have the chance. This is also a good time to get information from them about why they didn’t purchase.
[18:33] Remember that people don’t see every single message that you’re putting out there. And even if they do, they might need to hear that message multiple times before it sinks in and they can retain it.
[20:41] When it comes to customer service queries, take time to answer questions that come in to show how you’re continuing to support people, and then share that messaging with the rest of the community.
[24:22] Just because someone is not in your purchaser community doesn’t mean they are any less valuable or worthy of support. Treat them with just as much value, knowing that if you do your job well, there is a good chance they will soon join the paid customer community.
[26:38] You do not have to reinvent the wheel when supporting people who have not purchased. You don’t have to rewrite messaging–you can just package it in a different way.
Related Links
- Why Value-Based Pricing is One Strategy You Can’t Skip
- Fake Deadlines Are Damaging Your Brand—and Sales
- A Dynamite Marketing Messaging Is the Key to Your Audience Taking Action
- 10 Must-Use Marketing Messaging Strategies to Turn Leads to Customers
Must-Hear Takeaways
As with every episode, we highly encourage you to listen to the entire conversation! But, here are a few of the highlights:

“For whatever reason, they weren’t ready to purchase at that last opportunity they had, but they are still people of value, and not just monetarily, but people who can bring wonderful things to your community and people who you can help and impact as well, so don’t give up on them. Give them the support that they need, give them the messaging that they need.” – Nicki
“We don’t want to give up on these people. I mean, you presumably paid to acquire them in some shape or fashion. Whether you’re running ads or you’re paying in your time for organic leads, there’s a dollar component to every single one of them. And at this point too they’re presumably still interested in what you have to offer. They’re still a warm lead, they’re not cold, they’re interested, they’re engaged. Maybe they’re still opening your emails. It would be a shame to just let them go.” – Kate
“After they don’t make a purchase is the moment that makes or breaks whether they will eventually decide to go with you or a competitor. Because presumably they still have the same problem that they had coming in. They haven’t solved it. So they still need a solution to whatever problem it is that they have. So will they go with you? Will they go with a competitor? Do you abandon them or do you continue to nurture them and say, ‘Hey, I’m here for you. I’m here when you’re ready to make a purchase’ and give them that support that they need to finally make that decision and make that purchase. They might just need a little bit more to get there.” – Kate
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About the Energize Your Online Business Podcast
Are you sick of the stress, chaos, and risk of trying to keep up with the next big thing in digital marketing? And what about the confusion of trying to scale, build a team, and still try to make sure your business is worth the effort it takes to run it? You are not alone.
Join Nicki Krawczyk, a 20-year marketing veteran and owner of a multi-seven-figure-per-year digital training company and her co-host Kate Sitarz as they bust through the online business industry echo chamber to talk about how to make consistent, predictable sales and how to scale your business with simple and stress-free systems.

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