Mostly Yellows
You’re in the get-it-dialed-in stage
This is an important juncture for you. While you have the opportunity to make a few changes and meet your goals, you’re also at risk of sticking too long with tactics that aren’t working or letting little problems snowball into serious ones.
Now’s the time to carefully evaluate all your systems, messaging, and strategies to make sure you’re utilizing ones that will drive your business forward, not drag it down. All the reds and yellows that you marked should be major priorities to fix.
Metrics. What’s actually working for you? This is where you need to focus your efforts. Is something taking up 80% of your time but contributing 20% of your revenue? Time to let it go.
Testing. You feel like you’ve honed your message, but know there’s room for improvement. It’s time to methodically test key elements of your messaging. For example, you may want to test your current sales page headline against a different headline. Does one increase conversions? Reminder: test one variable at a time for a true A/B test. Otherwise you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall.
Entrepreneurs who get you. You don’t have to go this alone. Being part of a mastermind or other business group can help you get ideas and inspiration from people who have been in your shoes. Sometimes all you need is an outside perspective to give you the push in the right direction. Reminder: tactics used by the big names in digital marketing may not work for you because they’re in a completely different place in business!
Sunk cost. Sometimes, we pour a lot of time and energy (and money!) into trying things in our businesses. When it doesn’t work for us, it’s tempting to keep trying when all you’re doing is wasting more time, energy, and money.
Delegation. Or…lack thereof. At this stage you may be tempted to do it all yourself—especially if you feel like you don’t have the cash flow to hire someone. But, often, in order to scale, you need to hire before you get to that next level. Strategic hires are what get you to the next level.
Floundering. There are always SO many tasks for us to do in our businesses. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and start and stop numerous tasks. Then weeks or months later, we’re wondering why nothing has changed. Take a breath. Focus on the project that stands to have the most impact. Complete that project. Then move onto the next.
Your #1 Next Step
You need to get laser-focused on what’s moving your business forward—and what’s just a distraction.
It’s nice to have some fun tasks on our plates (even if they’re not a direct line to revenue). After all, we didn’t get into business to not enjoy ourselves.
But if you’ve got too many little tasks taking away your energy from accomplishing the big goals, then you’ve got a major problem.
Questions to Consider
Get out a notebook or open a Google doc and spend some time answering these key questions
- What ONE thing has the most potential to contribute to reaching your revenue goals?
- List out all the tasks you’re doing on a day-to-day basis. Which ones aren’t actually necessary to operating your business?
- What’s your zone of genius—the tasks that ONLY you can complete? What isn’t your zone of genius—or just not your favorite thing to do?
- What’s your time worth? $250/hour? $350? More? What would it mean to hire someone at $25/hour to take some of the smaller tasks off your plate?
A Little Inspiration from Other Entrepreneurs
It’s always inspiring to see what other entrepreneurs are doing in their businesses. (Plus, it’s a savvy CEO move to steal the best tactics!) Hear from just a few Circuit Sales System entrepreneurs to hear how they’re using their Circuits to serve more customers, power more sales, and have a great impact.
“I launched the funnel on April 24th and I didn’t have any expectations because I was going to Italy. I spent the month in Italy […] and it’s already generated $55,000 and that’s without ads and without any promotion. “
Kendra Perry
Online Business Strategist for Health and Wellness CoachesVictoria Pruett
Founder of the Launch Your Blog Course“[The Circuit] had an impact on the wider world of my business beyond just the system. It’s a way to build your business, to give yourself the space and energy you need to serve your audience, but also have a life.”
Helen Munshi
Business Growth Strategist and Quiz ExpertMore Resources for Get-It-Dialed-In-Stage Entrepreneurs
Check out these articles and podcast episodes, handpicked by our team to support entrepreneurs in a similar stage of business growth as you.